Saturday, March 29, 2008

Blogging 'bout Baby

It seems that along with diapers, a car seat, and bigger pants for Mom, a baby blog is a must have when a little one arrives these days. I've had fun keeping up with the babes of those we love, local and long distance, through their blogs so I thought I'd do the same for Caroline's family and friends--especially since some are so far away.
Here are some pictures of what we've been up to the last few weeks:

Making sure everything was ready to go in Caroline's room the night before she arrived. That smile is fake...I was one nervous mama...not exactly excited about the c-section scheduled for the next day. But I felt much better (below) after I got my epidural and realized it REALLY does take away all pain sensation (and the "pressure" everyone describes isn't really a tricky word for "pain" like I suspected):

Nothing was so sweet as that realization...until I saw this:

The most sweetness God has ever packed in to 5 pounds and 1 ounce!

We've since had lots of big moments and firsts like:

Coming home from the hosptial in the same dress and bonnet I wore home from the hospital when I was born. (I wonder if I looked like Martha Washington when I wore that bonnet too.) Cousins Katie, Julie and Jill wore the same dress.

Sleeping in the same bassinet that her dad slept in when he was a baby. Her Aunt Monica and cousins Harry, Tarrah, Andrew, Hailey, and Haiden also slept in it.

Caroline's first bath. Her face doesn't really do her hatred for bathtime justice. And this hasn't changed. I always thought I'd probably overbathe my baby because I'm a little germaphobic, but this little stinker (often literally) never gets more than 2-3 baths a week. It's just too sad to endure her misery.

This wasn't really a big moment, but I wanted to point out that, because Caroline was a mini-baby, she didn't fit into any of the clothes her closet is bursting with. She wore exclusively Northside t-shirts for the first two weeks of her life until I was finally able to get it together enough to leave the house and buy her some premie clothes.

And finally,

Caroline's first Easter dress and Easter basket. We can't say that she was exactly moved by her first Easter church service, but she got a good nap...and we are excited about teaching her why
Easter is so special when she's a little older.


Laurie said...

I hoped you would finally give in! Welcome to the blogging world!

Whitlamy said...

I'd been lurking on this site for the past week or so when I saw a link to it on one of your comments. I figured you'd get it up and running and am so glad you did. Can't wait to hang out more.

Whitlamy said...

P.S. Take lots of little/short videos of Caroline. One of my favorite past times now is to go back and look at the videos on our blog of Bryce as a newborn/baby. Things that seem so commonplace when they're infants will soon become a memory that can hardly be resurrected until you see the sweet videos. Our quick little videos are precious to me now!!

JABraley said...

Hi! Loved looking at all the pics. Not surprised at all that you started a blog since when you had a desk job, you were the computer queen :)

Anonymous said...

Caroline and her Shnazzy new blog made our morning! Theres just something about a sweet baby girl that makes the world so much better.We played that wonderful song over and over again. Cousin Robbi says to tell Caroline she loves the hat & she agrees "Baths stink!"

A Cincy Mama said...

Yay! Suz'z baby blog! Can't get enough of that little girl. And her sweet mama, too, of course!

Valerie said...

Welcome to the blogging world! Can't wait to keep up with Caroline and her mom and dad.

BCorbett said...

Well this certainly is better than any Evite i've ever gotten from Suzanna, and it even shows how many people have visited the site which I know is monitored hourly...hee hee (as the Trice's would say). Ps 139:13 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb" I am awestruck that this little bundle of joy had her whole life planned out to the nth amount of detail before this earth was even created. There is a worship song that states " flows from God." If you want a reminder of this just take a look at those adorable pics of sweet caroline. Mike and Suzanna I love you more than you'll ever know. (And Caroline of course). See you soon hopefully!

Anonymous said...

Love the site. It was so wonderful seeing you, Mike and Sweet Caroline yesterday. Looking forward to many more pics and stories about your family. Love-Linda&Co