Monday, March 31, 2008

Daddy Day Care

My friend, Tressa, turned 30 today so we decided, along with our friend, Amy, to ask the dads to meet at Tressa's house at lunchtime and watch the babies while we went out to lunch. Mike had a 1:00 meeting, but was a good sport and went in early/rearranged his day so he could keep Caroline. As you can see, the little ones kept them busy.

I didn't mention that I handed Caroline over with an empty stomach, a full diaper, and still wearing her nightgown (although, it was the third nightgown of the morning).

Tressa's husband, Marty, with Will.

Amy's husband, Michael, with Bryce.


Anonymous said...

Way to Go Dad!!!!!!! Great Job!!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!
Uncle Wayne, Aunt Vickie and Andrew

A Cincy Mama said...

Great post! Glad you got some girl time. Super neat picture at the top of your blog. How did you do that with the text and everything?

Jason and Laura Brantley said...

Congratulations! Caroline is precious...I think she looks like her daddy!