Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Another Kind of "Pea"

A quick run down of Caroline's six month check up today:
  • She weighs 13 pounds and 1 ounce which puts her just below the 10th percentile for weight. I think she weighs about the same as her 6 week old cousin, Cole. The doctor isn't terribly concerned, though. He says she is progressing, and he doesn't see any real reason to worry. We'll go in for a weight check in a few weeks to be sure.
  • She is 26 inches long (maybe--the way they measure doesn't look very accurate to me). That puts her just below the 50th percentile.
  • She was very forgiving when it came to her shots --she cried for less than five seconds after the last shot, regained her composure, and was all smiles when a lady in the waiting room spoke to her on our way out.
  • She was less forgiving when it came to the "under the diaper" part of the exam--she showed Dr. Gorvy how she felt about his intrustion by relieving herself on him. Oops...sorry about that!

1 comment:

Julie said...

haha - yeah...I produce little heiffers! Cole is 13.4!! Ellie was 13.9 at 2 months...I like to think of it as being "big boned" haha!