Monday, October 13, 2008

Not letting bow-gones be bow-gones...

These days may be drawing to a close.

Caroline usually doesn't leave home without a bow. She started wearing them when she was one week old.
This is partially because I think they are cute and partially because it helps to avoid some of those awkward "well, actually, she's a girl," exchanges. I also wanted her to be accustomed to having something in her hair so she would keep them in when she got older. Well, you can see how that has worked out for me.Over the last few weeks, as she has gained more dexterity in her fingers, I've noticed she'll accidentally pull her bow out sometimes. Yesterday, I caught her patting around her head, actually looking for the bow, snatching it out and sticking it in her mouth. I guess she thinks it's a reserve toy in case there there's nothing else interesting around.

But I'm not giving up this easily! I'll keep trying.

And this will probably be the only time we will ever disagree over what she wears, right?


Andria said...

At least you use big bows that might be less of a choking hazard than some of those teeny tiny things they make.

She's so beautifl. . and those looong legs amaze me!

(Love the new background.)

Sandy P said...

Macie and I have the same fight almost every day. She loves the idea of her bow and talks about it. But she pulls them out and hands it to me. It is really bad in the car!

Valerie said...

One Megan's hair got "long" she suddenly started leaving them in (most of the time) because if not she's brushing hair out of her eyes. She'll still pull it out, but now she's trying to put it back in. So there's bow hope!

Lisa said...

Oh, I give you my sympathies. It was nearly an entire year that we went bow-less. Not for my lack of trying, I promise you! Look back at my June posts and you'll see their return. Until then, I suppose it's lots of pink and purple and lacy clothes. =)

hmferrero said...

found the bow upstairs - on the floor next to the glider. if i don't see you before then, i'll try to remember to bring it to lydia's wedding.

HP said... the jazzy new layout. You might as well get used to those bows coming out. They always fall out on the ball field or basketball court.

Leslie L. said...

So your looking for bows and socks before you go to leave??
I like the reserve toy idea!

Brittany said...

That is hilarious. Yup, keeping bows in little girls hair is pretty much a constant battle. But DONT give up. They are just too cute!

Love the new blog, by the way!

Josh and Donna said...

despite her current rebellion, i think the creative idea to begin bows early was fun and made for cute pictures!