Thursday, July 17, 2008

Over the hill and through the woods...

to Gogo's house we go! Mike's sister and her family are coming home from their mission work in Africa for a visit, and we are headed to West Palm to spend a little over a week with them. When we last saw them over a year ago, Lacie (now 4) was the only grandchild, and now we have a total of three! So everyone has a new cousin to meet! We'll drive through the night (that seemed to work best last time we made the 10 hour trip with Caroline) and arrive in time to greet Steven, Monica, Lacie, and Nathan at the airport. Caroline and I have had a long day of packing...I had to work hard to keep her busy while I got everything ready.
She cooperated for a little while
...but most of the time she did not!

I have never been one to travel light, but on a 9 day trip with a baby, I have outdone myself...

(And that is just the very back--but it's actually much more organized than it looks.)

I was never a Boy Scout, but I've always been a big believer in their motto to"Be prepared!"


Anonymous said...

Having been a professional "scout" for 60 days I can tell you that their motto is sign here and vary your signature.

Looks like you got just about everything. Hope y'all have a good trip. Welcome home steven, monica, lacie and nathan!

Valerie said...

Hey - looks like Caroline has somewhat warmed up to the boppy. How sad is this... we just got a car topper majigy for our random trips because we were taking sooo much stuff on trips.

JABraley said...

how did you shut the trunk with that bed in it???? have a great trip and disregard our dinner invitation for tonight ;)

Alaskiana said...

I believe you forgot the changing table to match the crib crammed in the back of your car:) And by the way, that's totally me in a few years.

Hope you are having a great time! Can't wait to hear all about it.

HP said...

Bahahaha...Alison is so funny. I forgot that she was a Boy Scout. Was that before or after the Coke Wagon?

(is it weird that I'm commenting on your comments instead of the blog posting?)

Leslie L. said...

Suz, you would have made a great boy scout.
I will fall over if you get home and tell me you forgot something after the looks of your car!
We're missing you guys!!