Monday, July 28, 2008

Sharing Firsts

Hi, everyone! We're home!

We just got back from our family visit in West Palm Beach, and despite the camera catastrophe, I do have some pictures to accompany our tales about the week thanks to Aunt Monica!

Caroline and her cousin Nathan...shared many firsts this week, one of which was their first trip to the

We had so much fun strolling...and I do mean strolling... around and seeing all the animals. Both babies stayed awake for most of the trip, and Caroline really seemed to take in the sights.

Caroline says hi from the bird show where several large birds landed on a perch only a few feet away from her while she watched, wide eyed!Next time Caroline and Nathan will be able to join Lacie in the fountain!

The next first was a visit to the beach. While Nathan spent this first napping, Caroline braved the waves without him.

Posing with Dad and Mom before the first dip. You can see in the background that Gogo had already ventured out a little further.

Waiting for the wave...Woosh! As you can see from her blank expressions, she wasn't overly impressed.

Our little family.

Hanging out in the water with Aunt Monica.

Notice how pink her face was. She wasn't burned, but just hot. We were only actually at the beach for a little less than an hour because a storm rolled in right after we did. That was after two hours of packing supplies, driving to the beach, finding and paying for parking, unloading the cars, setting up our towels and baby equipment, and slathering everyone with sunscreen. Caroline says that worked out just fine for her, though. An hour was plenty!

That night Caroline had another first.

We give her a bottle with a couple of ounces of formula and her vitamins after her last feeding each night. Gogo was doing the honors when Caroline reached up and held the bottle all by herself! She usually puts her hands on it and "helps", but this was the first time she held it without any other support.

Speaking of mealtime, Nathan had a big first during our trip--he started solid food (if you can call runny rice cereal solid food). Caroline wasn't far behind as she had her first taste of rice cereal today. More about that tomorrow!

1 comment:

Sandy P said...

I guess that is why we need to be close to the beach!