Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Good Day Gone Bad

Our day was going well today--we slept late, visited with Julie and Madeline, Caroline played in the bathtub and had a good nap--she never suspected what was coming at 3:00. Time for round two of immunizations. I wasn't dreading this trip because the first round was less traumatizing for all of us than I anticipated. We made up for it this time. Caroline cried so hard that she didn't breathe for a long time--it was long enough that even the nurse was alarmed. And I was brave for a while, but eventually couldn't hold back the tears myself. Our sweet baby was in so much pain, and she didn't forget about it easily...she cried and coughed and struggled until the Tylenol finally kicked in and she kicked out. Her little thighs have swollen knots where the shots went in so we've been applying cold compresses and watching her for fever. We're hoping for long and restful sleep tonight.
She remains long and lean--her weight is in the 1oth percentile (10 pounds and 9 ounces), but her height is in the 50th (25 inches). There are no major concerns because she has been gaining weight steadily, but the doctor did recommend that we go ahead and start introducing solids over the next two months--so we'll have a bit of a change in lifestlye. I didn't anticipate thinking about all of that for a while. I guess we'll be shopping in the baby food aisle now. It makes my heart hurt a little--not sure if it is because she is growing up so quickly or because I am concerned that she is having to start this early. But regardless, I am so very thankful we have a growing, developing and apparently healthy baby.

Madeline, complete with tutu, wants a turn to hold the baby.

Madeline is kind enough to share her tutu with Caroline.

Dr. Gorvy entertains while he checks her out.

Things start to get dicey with the oral vaccine.

My poor baby!

Nobody is happy here!


Melissa said...

Hey Suzanna!
I know how scary it is when the dr.s make you feel bad for having a tiny baby! Kendall is in the negative % ! :) They have told me to limit her veggies, and give her cheeseburgers and fries....and they were serious-We did NOT do what they suggested!!! what you feel is best, and I'm sure that Caroline will be great!
We love you all!

Leslie L. said...

Poor Caroline! I hope she is feeling better. Somehow crying is even more heartbreaking now that they're older and have some idea of what's going on. I'm dreading our 4 month appointment. Jeff is definitely going with me this time. He's gotten out of all previous shots because he's been at work and his parents have helped me. I'll probably end up comforting both babies and a husband. :)

hmferrero said...

i hate shots days. they are the worst. you'll probably start her with very soupy rice cereal? that's not too bad. the worst poopie diapers to me are still carrots. WHEW!

Sandy P said...

I agree..if you are not ready for baby food wait a little while. Neither of my kids gained much weight eating solids. They stayed in the same percentile. Macie might have even dropped. She is only in the 25 percentile for weight and the 75th for height (Carson is too for that matter), but she eats all the time! So take your time. You can always start just before 6 months so you can tell your doctor you started!

Macie has always hated shots. But, Carson was a complete basket case at 4. He was scared to death!

HP said...

Poor baby girl! And mommy too for that matter. How's about this? I'll eat extra food and put in a request to the one in charge that those carolies be allocated to Caroline. :)

Whitlamy said...

Our doctor said go for solids anytime I was comfortable between 4-6 months. So, I think that's fairly standard. We started at about 4.5 months, he hated it, so we stopped until he was about 5.5 months. You know all the troubles we (still) have with solids. Every kid is different. Ditto what everyone else what feels right for you and Caroline while keeping the doctor's advice in the back of your mind.

Valerie said...

Pool Caroline and Poor Mommy and Daddy. Shots are the pits. Whatever you guys decide to do - know that you have good gut feelings! Caroline may dictate when she wants baby food anyway. You may try it and she may say - no thank you, not ready yet. Don't fret - You've got time before your next appt. You'll know it it's the right time or not (Caroline will voice her opinion on the subject - and you can't force a baby to eat).

Andria said...

I agree. .we were told to start anytime after 4 months, but at lest before 6 months (especially for breastfed babies, because they need to get used to the spoon and tend to reject it more if you wait too long?) Wyatt did not like the cereal much, so that phase didn't last long and we skipped to the jar foods, which he loves. It's really kind of fun to try new foods and see all the great faces - you'll have lots of picture and video opportunities, so embrace it! It will be a fun new adventure when you both are ready to tackle it.