Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Day at the Farm and Other Interesting Stories by Caroline

If you haven't noticed, my mom has really dropped the ball on my blog updates because she's been so busy lately...so, for anyone that is interested, I thought I'd let you know myself some of the things we did last month...

Early in May, I went with Mom and Dad to a big festival on a farm near our house. As you can see, I thought it was pretty boring...
You see that yellow bow in my hair? Well, it fell out during my nap, and since Mom had dressed my kind of like a boy that day, it was crucial to my outfit. So here's a picture of the man who told my dad what a fine looking young man he had...
And, even though they usually do, Mom and Dad didn't correct him. They just said, "thank you!"


but I didn't say anything. I just pretended to be asleep. I think Mom and Dad thought that would be it and they could keep walking, but the man continued talking about how lucky Dad was to have a son to raise and how blessed he was that his wife had provided him with a son...he even quoted scripture saying as much! I think Mom and Dad were trying not to laugh as they nodded and agreed. Mom reached down and hid my bow that had fallen in my lap so the man wouldn't realize I was a girl after he said all of that.

You'd think that was enough, but our trip wasn't over yet. Mom saw some yellow daisies on hay bales and thought it would be the perfect spot to get some good pictures of me.

That would have been fine if they had paid a little more attention to me and less attention to the camera!

Finally, I told them I had had ENOUGH...

and we left that yucky old farm for good!

The next day was Mother's Day. Here is a picture of me and Mom. I am wearing her dress that she wore when she was little like me. You may remember from this post that we both wore that dress when we came home from the hospital after we were born. It was way too big for me then, though--it's fitting much better now!

But the best part of that day was meeting my cousins, Prentiss and Marin. They were visiting from Alaska. Here I am with Prentiss...

I'm not big enough to play catch with Dad and Marin,

but I got to watch from my nap spot on the kitchen table...

and later Marin came inside to play with me too! Well, that's about it...I'll let Mom take it from here!


jennifer little said...

I am so glad I came across your blog on Lindsey Oliver's blog page! I hear you are doing very well through Alison! Caroline is a doll! You look like you are handeling motherhood quite well!

Our baby boy was born on April 30--Luke Ryan!

Take care!

Jennifer Sheppard Little

HP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HP said...

Ok, scratch my original comment...too many misspellings. This is the spell-checked version:
Um...love the day at the farm. This is hilarious. I think one day you're going to have to have a talk with Miss Caroline about her facial expressions like my mama had to have with me.