Friday, June 13, 2008

Look at this...

Maggie, look at this!

Thanks for all the tummy time tips! She played like this this morning for over 20 minutes! And, maybe because we have been on a tummy time marathon since you and I talked yesterday, I think I am already starting to see more tendancy for to reach out to touch or manipulate something with her arms. She's still not showing a lot of coordination, but look who her mama is. That may not ever happen!

We've also been working on the boppy sitting...

But, don't worry, we have been taking lots of breaks:

(Maggie is my pediatric physical therapist friend from college that I called yesterday all concerned because Caroline didn't seem to be hitting the typical four month old milestones where upper body movement is concerned. (If you know me, you know that not worrying isn't really a strength of mine!) Maggie explained a lot of helpful things to me and gave us some (obviously effective) tips about tummy time and other things to help develop some of that upper body strength.)

Gogo, look at this!
Remember these pants? They finally fit...and they are super cute! And they obviously make her very happy!
Thanks for letting us benefit from your super bargain shopping skills!

(When Gogo (Mike's mom) came to visit recently, she found these cute little pants on clearance for $1 and, even though she knew Caroline had tons of clothes, she couldn't pass them up. They have turned out to be one of our favorite pairs because they are comfy for her and an easy match for the white onesie or t-shirt that she is almost always wearing when we are at home.)

Leslie, look at this!
Remember our brainstorming session on the Poly Vi Sol predicament? Well, I know one approach that WON'T work!

We did that about 8 times, and every drop that went in came rolling right back out.

(My friend, Leslie, has twins 10 days younger than Caroline, and we spend a lot of time swapping stories and problem-solving together. Not only are our babies the same age, but we go to the same church, have all the same doctors, and live in the same community. So we run into a lot of the same things! Of course, she runs into twice as much as I do, but I am so thankful for a friend to so closely share mommy-hood with. Anyway, Poly Vi Sol is the smelly, clothes staining, nasty tasting vitamin that all breastfed babies are supposed to take daily.)

Readers of Amy and Sandy's blogs, look at this!
You read about the "great race" here and here's the footage of the end of the's not great quality, but, since the winner had finished before the camera started rolling, it's pretty clear who the swimmer in the group is.

What cracks me up is that my husband, clearly in last place, comes out of the water with a triumphant cheer like he's just taken the gold for the US. Sorry, Mike and Michael, when Carson, Macie, Bryce, and Caroline join the swim team, looks like probably only Jeff's phone will be ringing with an offer to coach.


Whitlamy said...

Well, that's an awesome friend to have...a pediatric physical therapist!! I really think Caroline is looking bigger both in her photos and in person. Soon she'll be mastering everything and you'll wonder why us mothers worry so much. It's a curse, isn't it?!

Anonymous said...

Clearly in last place? Look at the support I get :) I would like the photo finish on 2nd place please.

Sandy P said...

My kids NEVER took the vitamins. I just never got around to buying them. So, if she doesn't take them, I have two healthy living babies to prove they don't really need them!

hmferrero said...

jacob hated tummy time. he would SCREAM. when he started day care they did it for me there, so i was happy to not have to hear him scream about it any more.

i never gave him the poly vi sol until after his 1st bday appt they told me he was iron deficient. but if you are concerned about her getting what she needs, it doesn't hurt anything. but it really does smell and taste awful!

Marianna said...

I never heard about those vitamins when I was nursing Samuel, and his bloodwork never showed vitamin deficiences... (He didn't like cereal either and was fine without it.) Isn't it funny how some doctors insist on certain things (vitamins, cereal, etc..) and others never even bring it up? For 6 months or so, I have put a Target brand dropper of some type of vitamin in his juice. I forget it more than I remember it. I need to leave it out on the counter or I forget to use it. I have to say that it looks nasty, but he doesn't seem to notice it in his juice/water combination. Oh, and Caroline looks adorable playing on her tummy! I am going to have to remember to use the Boppy for that.

Valerie said...

Poly Vi Sol..... You know Megan wouldn't take them easily either. My pediatrician said that as long as she got some sunlight - they really weren't needed. If you have a winter baby and aren't out a lot that it would be more important - but with summer babies they get out and about so it's not a big deal - they get the vitamins from the sun. So we gave up. It wasn't worth the fight. More power to you if you guys keep up the good fight... Megan's "fight" wasn't just to spit it out it was to scream bloody murder... so I caved and we went outside every day instead.

HP said...

Look how light Caroline's hair looks in that top picture. Suzanna....have you been using sun-in?!?

Anonymous said...

Suzanna, she looks great on her tummy! Twenty, please keep me posted on the progress.

Angel said...

Poly Vi Sol - don't feel bad if she doesn't get it everyday. The AAP didn't come up with this until Juliet's birth, so Hannah never took it. Sometimes it's not worth the struggle and frustration, and chances are she's getting enough from your breastmilk. And if you've started her on cereal (I think you said you were), then she's getting iron from that, too. You are a wonderful, sweet Mommy! Let's chat soon...I've been trying to reach you, but we're both oh, so busy with our girls aren't we?!? love ya!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the tummy play time with the magical noises AND I actually get to hear Caroline's!! Yep, I remember the bargain pants =) Can't pass up a good bargain!!! Caroline gets more beautiful every day!! Hugs & Kisses from Gogo!!!

Lindsey Oliver said...

wow! you know marty & tressa? our families have been close for years. too small of a world! caroline is so darling.

Leslie L. said...

He he. I FINALLY got to watch the vitamin video and read these comments. She looks exactly like Riley and Colter when they see that dropper coming. I wipe their faces with so many tissues that the whole bathroom smells like those stupid vitamins just from the trash. Yuck.

Andria said...

I wasn't diligent with the vitamins, either, because it just wasn't worth the battle! I tried mixing it in bottles, but then Wyatt wouldn't eat those and that was even more of a waste! Good luck! But, don't stress about it if it doesn't happen. Dellaina takes her gummy vitamins everyday now with enthusiasm, so it gets easier!